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Introducing ArcheoTypes Art Project - Residency at Bondi Pavilion
In the vast tapestry of human history, objects hold a remarkable power to transcend time and connect us to our collective heritage. Community, peoples and museums stand as guardians of this legacy, by curating objects of daily life to artifacts of immense cultural and historical significance that inspire and enrich our lives. But what truly confers significance upon an object? Is it the passage of time, or perhaps the hands through which it has passed?
Consider this: many of the world's oldest artifacts began as mundane, everyday items in the possession of individuals. They bore witness to the rhythms of daily life, silently accumulating layers of meaning and significance over generations. Drawing inspiration from this notion, the ArcheoType Art Project embarks on a journey to celebrate the overlooked treasures hiding within our communities and the stories behind these seemingly ordinary items—objects that hold profound importance and personal significance to their owners. Through the intimate narratives shared by individuals, we peel back the layers of history to reveal not just the objects themselves, but the essence of who we are as individuals and what we hold dear as a community. Join us as we delve into the depths of human experience, discovering the threads that bind us across time and space through the artifacts of our lives.

The project & residency are kindly supported by Waverley Council and will take place from the 13th to the 26th of May 2024 in the Bondi Pavilion Yalagang room on Gadigal, Bidiagal and Birrabirraga land.

ArcheoTypes Photo/Video Project Booking Session.

If you are a local or someone with close ties with Waverley this is your time to be part of the story. Bring yourself and the most significant object that you hold dear to be captured and be part of a collective community memory. A session might last 20-30 minutes.

Please note the session is for 18 years old & over

Free of charge, non-commercial, and part of an art collective experience.

You agree to be photographed/videoed with your chosen object.

Images captured might be published online, in print and in other media including social networks.

A Model/Property realise will be provided at the session.